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Updated: 2023-11-11

Sawadee kha, Sawadee khrap

Thursday, December 16, 2021

Home - Journeys - Thailand 2022 - Thursday, December 16, 2021

This morning we see Tom's visa in e-mail. It was sent by the Thai Embassy last night at a quarter past eight. That is, compared to the past, super-fast. We are very satisfied with it.

A friend flies with the same flight as we to Thailand. She would like to wait and see the result of the Corona test in the same quarantine hotel, whether we can book for her. We have to figure out if en how that is possible, but she probably has to book herself because of the name of the reservation. Of course we help her if that is necessary.

Now we can start applying for a Thailand pass for both of us. The big question we have here is the mandatory health insurance that states an insured amount of at least $ 50,000. Dutch health insurance companies do not want to issue a statement in which an amount is stated, the result is unfortunately an extra insurance. And we don't actually know whether such insurance is also necessaryt for Pia, she is Dutch but she also has the Thai nationality. But she didn't live in Thailand for a long time.
On the internet there is a lot written about that insurance, also many contradictions. At Thailand blog, to our idea pretty reliable, are links to companies that provide such insurance.
Pia comes up with the idea of asking what two acquaintances of us have done, they are now just a day in Thailand and released from their quarantine hotel. He is a Dutchman and she also has two nationalities; the same situation as with us.
Their answer is that they have made such an extra insurance contract for both and with a society that Tom had already selected as a suitable candidate. The reason for two insurance policies is the uncertainty about the hospital in which you end up if you are dependent on Thai health insurance.

Link: Thailandblog.

Written on: 2021-12-16


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